The Power of "I AM"
Only the Son of God, which means the individual with Free Will, can decree as God decrees and say, “I AM.” Whatever quality follows that sound, spoken into the ethers, becomes a manifestation in the world of substance, and thus becomes a form.

When the individual says, “I AM,” he is using the creative attribute of the Godhead and announcing creation at his particular point in the Universe.
The vibratory action of the Word “I AM,” either in thought or spoken word, is the release of the Power of Creation; and whatever quality follows that Decree is instantly imposed upon the electronic substance in the ethers. This being the only substance and energy in existence, whose nature is to be qualified in some manner, it must outpicture the pattern within the Decree. If the Decree is always for Perfection, then the experiences in the individual’s world express the Fullness of the Plan of Life; but if the individual does not send forth that Decree, it is impossible for that Perfection to outpicture in his experiences, until the Decree is released into the ethers in which he lives.
Every individual can think Perfection at every instant, if he only will; and it takes no more substance and energy to build beautiful, perfect forms and experiences than it does the imperfect. But if the individual wants this Perfection expressed in his own world, he must use his own energy to utter the Decree which will release that Perfection unto him. Such is the “Law of his Being,” and nothing can change it.
- Saint Germain

“Your attention is your power of concentration.
Your feeling is your power of qualification.
Your mental picture is your power of visualization.”
What are Decrees?In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
What is the purpose of visualizing?“True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
Who are the Ascended Masters?The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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There is not a moment in the day that we do not visualize something, because the power of vision is acting all the time. Keep all out of the mind except the picture you want, for that is all with which you are concerned.
True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. -Saint Germain
Take two or three minutes morning and evening, focus your attention upon the Heart Center, and accept Beauty, Youth, and Strength. You will have amazing results!
Visualize a Crystal White Ray or Crystal Golden Ray of Light shooting like lightning from your Electronic Body into any organ of the physical body which is affected!
See the organ relax from within itself, open up and release from within itself all substance that is unnecessary or discordantly qualified.
See it ignite into Violet Flame and pass out of the body directly from that organ.
“I AM” the Power acting; “I AM” the Intelligence directing; “I AM” the Substance being acted upon, and I now bring It into visible form and my use, visible and tangible forever!
“I AM”! Inexhaustible Energy!
“I AM”! Irresistible Divine Love!
“I AM”! Indestructible Health!
“I AM”! Inescapable Prosperity!
“I AM”! Invincible Protection!
“I AM”! the “Mighty Presence” on guard every second this day, instantly annihilating all that seeks to disturb, and holding my full God Dominion in this place forever.
“Mighty I AM Presence”! charge my entire mind and body with Thy Ascended Master Consciousness and keep It eternally sustained.
“Mighty I AM Presence”! move everywhere before me today, and do all for me and through me perfectly!
“I AM” the Presence charging this body with Pure, Electronic Energy!
“I AM” Perfect Health now manifest in every organ of my body!
“I AM” the Perfect Intelligent Activity in this body!
"I AM” my Perfect Sight! “I AM” my Perfect Hearing! “I AM” my Perfect Action of the throat!
“Mighty I AM Presence”! charge my aura with instantaneous Healing to everybody that comes into my presence, and set all free in the Service of the Light.
“Mighty I AM Presence”! Come forth through my mind and body! Produce Perfection and hold Dominion here forever!
“I AM” the Riches of God, flowing into my hands and use that nothing can stop!
“I AM” the Omnipresent, Limitless Supply of God's Riches and Opulence in my hands and use, now and continuously!
“I AM”! the Ascended Master Payment of this (of every) bill or obligation, instantly and eternally manifest through Divine Love.
“I AM”! the inescapable, inexhaustible Riches of God flowing into my hands and use today, manifest with Full Power, as a glad-free gift of Divine Love. I refuse everything but the Fullness of God’s Supply to me, NOW!
“BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE”! Give me ten times more than I require as Your Glad Free Gift of Love! See that I use it all in the Service of the Light and give You the credit as being the Giver! I accept the Instantaneous Manifestation, and thank Thee it is done!
What are Decrees?In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
What is the purpose of visualizing?“True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
Who are the Ascended Masters?The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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