The "Mighty I AM Presence"
The Chart of the “Mighty I AM Presence” is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one’s own Individualized Presence of God.

The Upper Figure in the Chart represents the Electronic Body of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is the Individualized Focus of God who creates the physical body. The Circles of Color around the Electronic Body represent the Causal Body. This is the accumulated good of all previous embodiments. The Rays of Light going forth from the “Presence” are the Divine Mind or “Love in action,” continually pouring out Its Gifts of Perfection into the use of the human personality. The lower figure represents the physical body, surrounded by the Violet Consuming Flame.
What are Decrees?In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
What is the purpose of visualizing?“True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
Who are the Ascended Masters?The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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What are Decrees?In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
What is the purpose of visualizing?“True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
Who are the Ascended Masters?The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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To contemplate the Chart of the “Mighty I AM Presence” by looking at It with the physical sight, means we are absorbing the Perfection of our own “Mighty I AM Presence” into the brain cells, the nerves and the flesh of our bodies every moment we gaze upon It.
As we do that daily, the Power from Its Heart flows into each one’s Heart who contemplates It. Is there any greater Healing Power in the whole of the Universe than the Source of each one’s Life—the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence”—the Flame within each Heart?
As we gaze upon Its Eyes, we are absorbing the Perfection of the Eyes of God directly into our own eyes.
As we contemplate the Light Rays, Their Perfection and Almighty Power of Light are pouring into our brains, bodies and feeling worlds, the Almighty Action of Light, which does produce Instantaneous Perfection.
When we gaze upon the Hands of the “Mighty I AM Presence” in the Chart, the Rays of Light and the Gifts of Life are pouring directly into our hands, brains, bodies, and the activity of our worlds.

“Mighty I AM Presence”! God in me, is my certain Victory, and I cannot fail!
What are Decrees?In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
What is the purpose of visualizing?“True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
Who are the Ascended Masters?The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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“Mighty I AM Presence”! show me Your Way. It seems to be my duty to do this thing; so show me Your Way.
“Mighty I AM Presence”! consume in me and my world all doubt, fear, jealousy, pride, resentment, irritation, criticism, condemnation and judgment, their cause and effect, replacing them by the Fullness of the Perfection which Thou art, keeping It Self-sustained in the ever expanding Light of Thy Glorious Presence.
“Mighty I AM Presence”! come into this condition and solve it perfectly.
I call my “Mighty I AM Presence” and Saint Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness to come forth and solve this _____________ for me forever!
“Mighty I AM Presence”! charge me with the Ascended Masters’ Feeling and Victory of the Ascension.
What are Decrees?In the "I AM" Activity members are taught to use the Authority and Power of God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," to decree what they want manifest in their beings and world. In giving Decrees, one should realize that he is really talking to the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" – God in Action. A Decree is either a Fiat of the Voice of the "I AM Presence" speaking through us, or a direct Call to the "Presence" and the Ascended Host for the help we require. The Scripture says, "Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you." That was the edict of the Godhead in the beginning. Mankind has long, long forgotten it. Decreeing is a more powerful form of prayer.
What is the purpose of visualizing?“True visualization is God’s attribute and Power of Sight acting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilled, he is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. ” Beloved Saint Germain
Who are the Ascended Masters?The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no figment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the Universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural. They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force, as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the guardians of the race. And, as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he, too, may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes until, like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expressionof his divinity.
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Watch an animation of the Mighty "I AM" Presence, below.

Mighty I AM Presence + Music-animated

I AM Presence Instruction-Gerald Craig
Visit SaintGermainPress.com to see more on the "Mighty I AM Presence:" pictures, DVDs, and more.